The Friends
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Park Events

What's Going on in the Park

Below are full details of our currently scheduled events. Events are added on a regular basis so make sure you check again soon!

AGM + Talk

Thu 27th March: 6.30 pm

The Hub

With talk by Jeremy Kimmel, the Arts, Heritage and Engagement Director at The Amelia Scott, on the fascinating history of beer. Sponsored by Pig & Porter Brewery.

Beer Tasting and Light Refreshments at 6.30 - AGM at 6.45 - Talk from about 7.30

Join us for our annual AGM.

    This FoGH event is free to attend, but donations are always welcome.


    FoGH Dog Show

    Sat 26th April: 10:00 am - 12.00 pm

    Lower Football Pitch / Event Field

    Join us for our occasional celebration of all things canine!

    Registration is 9.30 - 10.00 am, with a single £5 suggested donation to enter all classes. Classes: Best Young Dog Handler; Cutest Puppy; Golden Oldies; Best Trick; Most Like Owner; Most Obedient & Best In Show.

    • This is a family friendly event, all are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

    This FoGH event is free to attend, but donations are always welcome.


    Bee Walk

    Sat 17th May

    The Hub

    A Bee Walk with Dr Ian Beavis focussed on the many species of bee that can be found in the park.

    Details to follow.

    • This is a family friendly event, all are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
    • Please be aware that this event is weather dependant and may, in extreme circumstances, be cancelled.

    This FoGH event is free to attend, but donations are always welcome.


    Moth Identification Morning

    Sat 21st June: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

    The Hub

    Drop in to the Hub to see what night-flying insects Dr Ian Beavis can identify from the overnight moth trap.

    • This is a family friendly event, all are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
    • This is a regular event: look out for future events so you can see how the moth population changes over the course of the year.

    This FoGH event is free to attend, but donations are always welcome.


    Moth Identification Morning

    Sun 17th August: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

    The Hub

    Drop in to the Hub to see what night-flying insects Dr Ian Beavis can identify from the overnight moth trap.

    • This is a family friendly event, all are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
    • This is a regular event: look out for future events so you can see how the moth population changes over the course of the year.

    This FoGH event is free to attend, but donations are always welcome.


    Moth Identification Morning

    Sat 20th September: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

    The Hub

    Drop in to the Hub to see what night-flying insects Dr Ian Beavis can identify from the overnight moth trap.

    • This is a family friendly event, all are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
    • This is a regular event: look out for future events so you can see how the moth population changes over the course of the year.

    This FoGH event is free to attend, but donations are always welcome.